✨Frances Dowell Stories!✨

Over the past few months, my class has been writing stories called our Frances Dowell stories! Frances Dowell is an author that helped us with our stories! She took us through the parts of stories, and here they are!

1. What if? To start a story, you fist come up with a what if question. To start mine, I thought, “What if I was blamed for a murder I didn’t do?” Then I made a whole story around that one question by just writing whatever comes to my mind.

2. Opening action scene: To start your story, you make an action scene at the beginning, something that happens to your character! Examples: if your character breaks their arm, if they adopt a pet, if they fall out of a window, if they get lost, etc. This will lead to the plot of your story.

3. Background check: this is also at the beginning of the story! It’s basically introducing the character: their name, their age, where they live, etc.

4. Sticks and stones: sticks are little problems that your character goes through, like if they get lost, hurt themself, etc., and stones are bigger problems.

5. Big monster problem: the big problem, the climax of the story! This is what your whole plot leads up to! Wether it’s your character battling a monster or completing a big exam, this is the big problem.

6. Resolution: ending your story. Maybe it’s your character finding their way home if they were lost, or finally getting their cast off after breaking their arm.

I learned from my peers that I kind of rushed through my story. I would explain everything really quickly and it was really confusing.

I’ve never actually finished a full story like this! Of course I’ve written stories in kindergarten and other grades, but I’ve started kindergarten  stories like this and haven’t finished.

Check out Frances Dowell’s website here! ⤵️


Thank you for reading! Bye! <3






5 Replies to “✨Frances Dowell Stories!✨”

  1. I like how you gave examples for each part of the story, and I love your What If question: “What if I was blamed for a murder I didn’t do?” 😊

  2. This was an amazing blog! I really enjoyed that you took everyone step by step on our journey to create our FD story. I really liked that you came up with the plot at the beginning.

  3. This was really fun to read, I enjoyed how you sorta gave steps in the post it made it much easier to follow along!

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