Funny growing up phrases and actions

Hi everyone and welcome back to Doggie Days! (Happy late St. Patrick’s day!)

When I was younger, I said a bunch of funny little phrases. For example, my first sentence was, “Anna poke finger in own eye!” I was in my high chair eating lunch when all of a sudden, I poked my finger in my eye! Now, whenever I poke my finger in my eye, I always say, “Anna poke finger in own eye!”

Another example is, my sister was making a music video of all the songs from Frozen, (my cousin was Elsa, my sister was the version of Anna when she was older, and I was Anna! )Here is a video (you may want to use headphones if you are at school): IMG_0423-152yasp Also, here is a funny video of me reading a book: BB02FF5F-FC59-4570-BE07-7CA24C36CD87-2jzo248 I won’t tell you my first word, because I’m going to save that question for the quiz of the blog.

Here are 3 random fun facts…

I always loved the fish in the aquarium and tormenting my sister by laughing at her when she was harassing me in my face. ~ I loved music (and still do now) and loved playing with my musical toys. ~ I danced when I nursed (haha)

I first … Smiled-2 months ~ Clapped my hands-7 months ~ Laughed out loud-2 months ~ Stood by my self- 9 months ~ Took my first step-11 months

Quiz of the blog: What was my first word?

a) ba (ball)

b) ma (mama)

c) dada


3 Replies to “Funny growing up phrases and actions”

  1. Hello Anna S and that was a great blog post I really enjoyed it while I was reading it! I really liked your sense of humor.

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