How Life at my House Works (With 4 dogs)

Hello everyone! Today I’ll be telling you how life at my house works with 4 dogs. When I wake up, it’s my least favorite time. The puppies run and pounce on me! When they finally settle down, I eat breakfast. While I eat I always hear a suspicious sound. I go over to look at what is making that sound, and I see the dogs licking the dishes in the dishwasher! When I’m done eating, the puppies follow me upstairs. I get dressed while the puppies pester me until my head is about to explode! I let them out of my room to go pester my sister. When I’m ready for school, the puppies are usually in their crates because my dad is at work and my mom will take me to school. Witty whines like there’s no tomorrow when he’s in a crate! I go to school with the whining sound blasting out of the house.

When I come home from school, it’s another one of my least favorite times because the puppies pounce on me again. An hour or so later, my sister feeds the puppies and I feed Prudy and Bailey. Then I have to take them outside to go to the bathroom every hour or so. Prudy’s extra challenging because she has anxiety. She’s afraid of her own shadow and she used to not even eat! She makes you carry her downstairs to eat or go out. But even though my dogs are really annoying sometimes, they’re super cute and bring such joy to our lives. That’s my life every day during the school week. If you want me to do a part 2 of this blog to write about my weekends, I will!

Quiz of the blog: How many dogs have my family had in our whole life? (Not counting pets my parents had when they were little)

a) 4

b) 6

c) 7

Comment below! Bye! 🙂

6 Replies to “How Life at my House Works (With 4 dogs)”

  1. I love what you wrote about dogs bringing us joy even if they can be annoying sometimes. That is so true. I can’t imagine not having dogs in my life. And I’ll guess answer c for your quiz.

  2. Great job Anna! I really enjoyed this post. I have always wanted a dog and now I know what its like on a daily bases.

  3. OMG!!!! They are all soooo cute! Jonaki, my dog is old and sleeps a lot. But she is very lonely unlike your dogs. But trust me it gets easier to maintain them. By the way I think the answer is 6.

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