✨What Interests Me✨

“Life’s little details” by kern.justin is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What interests me are the little details in life, like every feature of a child’s bedroom that makes it look lived-in. The small details in animated movies that, even though are only a few seconds, like a hug, may take hours to animate. The sound of the rain that gets drowned out by all the T.V. and talking. Or even the small details on clothing like satin on the inside of a coat that makes it just that more comfortable.

That’s all from me. Bye! <3

✨The Rain✨

These are images I took of my backyard today because it’s raining. To you, this might just look like a mopey, sad day. But to me, it’s amazing. I love the way the rain pitter patters on grass and our deck and the smell of everything being fresh. As you can see in the second image above, there is a lake that you can only see in the winter, especially when it rains. There are no leaves on the trees so it gives you a clear view of it, and the rain makes it overflow a little bit. I love playing board games with my family when it rains, or just sitting in my room, reading a book. I love the rain.

That’s all from me today. Bye! <3


✨Remote Learning✨

“Pencils” by Elle * is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Because I was a remote student for the first two weeks of school, our recent remote week was kind of normal for me. I think I had a very productive week! This is what a day would look like:

7:00 AM: wake up 😴 

7:03: read 📚 

7:30: eat breakfast 🥞 

8:10: math call ➗

9:00: French call 🇫🇷

10:00: history call 🌎 

10:50: LA call ✏️ 

12:06: science call 🔬

I would do homework in between calls. I would usually finish doing school work by 12:30! That’s what a day would look like for me!

I was reading Resist by Veronica Chambers during the remote week, but I am currently reading Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli.

Other activities I did were mostly stretching, playing piano with my sister and watching T.V.

Thank you for reading my post! Bye! <3


✨What I’m Grateful For✨

“446 – Fireworks Texture” by Patrick Hoesly is licensed under CC BY 2.0

I’m grateful for the crisp falling leaves,

the Halloween candy,

the cool Autumn breeze.

I’m grateful for the turkey on the table,

the pilgrim fables,

the Thanksgiving food labels.

I’m grateful for the stockings on the mantel,

my friend’s Hanukkah candles,

the presents under the tree, never canceled.

I’m thankful for the snow on the ground,

hearts and love all around.

I’m grateful for the green leaves and flowers,

the animals waking,

the spring showers.

I’m grateful for the sun in the Summer,

the starry night sky,

the beach and the colors.

I’m grateful for my family and friends,

love never ends.




Women demand the right to vote
“Women demand the right to vote: 1913”byWashington Area Spark is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Greta Thunberg talks about climate change.
Greta Thunberg talks about climate change

“File:Marche pour le climat 27-09-2019 (Montréal) 14.jpg” by Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Hello! I am currently reading Resist, a nonfiction novel by Veronica Chambers. It is about famous people in history who did great things for the world. Some of the people mentioned are Frederick Douglass, Malala Yousafzai, Joan of Arc, John Lewis, Susan B. Anthony, Greta Thunberg and Sitting Bull, just to name a few. There are 2-3 pages about each person.

That’s all form me! Bye! <3

The Mysteries…

I wrote this in 4th grade but I never published it. I thought it would be fun to publish it now!

Hi everyone! I love riddles and mysteries, and I can always solve them! Find me and give me a hard one. Now onto the point. I’m going to give you some! Choose one and answer it in the comments. Rule: You can’t re-read the riddle. Let’s begin:

  1. There are three doors in a house that you’re trapped in (oh no!). The first one has no floor, so you’ll fall forever. The second one has a hungry lion that hasn’t eaten anything in one month. The last one has VERY hot fire. Which do you choose?
  2. How far can you run into the woods?
  3. A train crashed on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do you burry the survivors?
  4. A train crashed (again) and no one died, but many suffered major and/or minor injuries. Although, two were found dead on the police list! How is this possible, and who/what died?
  5. A man live son the 11th floor of an apartment. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and every evening he takes the elevator up to the 5th floor and walks the rest of the flights of stairs. Why?

What I Notice


I notice two things. I will explain them one by one.

Number one: Dirt and little pieces of trash. I am the biggest germaphobe EVER (with the exception of my sister). I HATE touching things that have dirt or specks of stuff on them. I will always wipe away specks of food off a chair and when we wipe our desks down at the end of class, I will always wipe down my chair. On airplanes I hate those little cracks that have dirt or trash in them. *shivers* I also don’t like empty candy wrappers, or little pieces of paper or paper towels left on the table. Seriously, people, PICK UP YOUR TRASH!

Number two: Hamilton. Yes, I know, Hamilton is amazing (in my opinion), but maybe a little too amazing. Here’s what I mean. Whenever someone is talking and they say a word, I will always think of a song in Hamilton with that word. For example, today my friend said “assume”, and I started singing ‘Non-Stop’: “Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?” It drives me INSANE. Even now, a few minutes ago when I wrote “Number two”, I started singing ‘The Ten Rule Commandment’.

So that’s what I notice! I hope you enjoyed my blog post! <3

My Favorite Poems!

Photo by me 🌈photo by me 🌈

Hey guys! This is a group of some of my favorite poems I’ve written over the years. I made them different colors so you can tell them apart from each other! I hope you enjoy!


dear diving, (5th grade)

you made me miserable

i will never forget

every other day

diving into that cold water


ice cubes

maybe that last part was just my imagination

i will never really know

3 hour drives

dive meets

colder water

more tired

the pain

my teammates were annoying



15 bruises 

on my legs 

is my record

a scar on my left leg

because of you

which is worse: belly flop or smack

is there a difference?

all i know

is that it hurt

toes pointed!

“belly tight!

“flip faster!

“don’t be such a scaredy cat!

there was even a time

where one of my coaches

the meanest one

called me fat

that’s it

no more

please let me quit

i’m begging you

don’t make me do this

i’ve done it for 4 years

what else do you want from me

to be happy?

every other day

back to the gym

back to the pool

do you know

how uncomfortable a swimsuit is

when you are in it for an hour and a half at the least?

then there was lightning

i had a dive meet

a 2 hour drive

i jumped in the freezing pool

i got 1 warm up dive in

then the lifeguard yelled

thunder! pool’s closing!

all of that

for absolutely nothing

you could have told me 

not to jump in the pool

i wouldn’t have been cold

for the 2 hour drive back


i’m glad I quit you, diving,

because if I hadn’t,

i might have just not tried

and believe me,

i was trying

my very hardest

but no one seemed to notice.


-anna savage

Ok, this one’s one of my favorites. I wrote this in 4th grade because Mr. Mason has a board called “The Road Less Traveled” with famous people who are famous for doing great things. We had to write poems in class and I decided to do a poem about everyone on the board. (yes it was ambitious)

The road less traveled (4th grade)

Rosa Parks wouldn’t leave her seat,

she wouldn’t get up on her feet.


Jim Thorpe was a gold medalist,

he was a sports specialist.


Ansel Adams was a photographer,

but mostly a geographer.


Martin Luther King 

makes me want to sing “I have a dream.”


Amelia Earhart had a plane she could steer

until the day she disappeared.


Florence Nightingale was a nurse who strived

to save any lives.


Jane Goodall’s great escape

was to go to the jungle to study apes.


Albert Einstein was a scientist who dared

to suggest that E=Mc squared.


Gandhi, the Father of the Indian Nation,

with his people, made many creations.


Nadia Comaneci, first to score a perfect 10, 

showed that women are equal to men.


Sally Ride, first American to go to the moon, 

died of cancer way too soon.


A punch from Muhammad Ali

would sting you like a bee.


Pelé would kick and amaze;

he was every soccer fan’s craze.


Jackie Robinson, a ball player, 

leading a way to allow black people to play.


Jacques Cousteau looks at the ocean and wants to know

what lies deep below.


Lucille Ball had a show,

and each day her audience would grow. 


Jim Henson made Kermit the Frog,

he also made Miss Piggie the hog.


Harriet Tubman: freedom for slaves she’d forebode

by speaking of the Underground Railroad


 Billie Jean King, what a tennis player,

you should see her swing!


Miles Davis knew his jazz,

he played instruments with pazazz.


Thomas Edison invented the electric light,

much to every reader’s delight.


Frederick Douglass was a runaway slave,

he fought the system; he was so brave!


Some people thought Picasso’s art was weird,

for in what he created strange things appeared.


Nelson Mandela was put in jail,

He never stopped fighting, he never failed. 

The Best Part of Me (5th grade)

Put your hands in front of you

“3… 2… 1…” they display

but they do so much more than just count down…


They fiddle with a pencil

writing stories of imaginary creatures

big and small

places of wonder

a story for all

like a bird

being set free


They draw

different things

nothing twice

unless it’s nice


And they lead me

on my flipping journey

on the gymnastics mat

never in a hurry


It is my hands, you see,

that is the

best part of me.

That’s all from me! Somehow I’m unable to access most of my poems for 4th grade, and I didn’t share the poems I don’t like. Anyway, bye! <3




My Biggest Stop Motion

Ok, so straight off the title is a lie. I’m actually working on a one hour stop motion, but because it’s an hour, it takes a long time. I started in April and am still working on bits of it at random times, but this post isn’t about that! So now that I’ve got that all cleared up, I can start the actual post.

I am currently working on my Halloween American Girl Halloween stop motion! (Please don’t judge me for liking dolls. We all have things we like!✨) I am not very far into it and I have to post it by Halloween, so I’m scrambling to stay on top of that, as well as school and other activities. I think I am making great progress, however.

If any of y’all (wow, I’ve never typed y’all before 😝) don’t know what stop motion is, it’s basically a form of video where, instead of a smooth video, it’s a bunch of pictures, where you only move the object a little bit. It’s almost a form of animation, a way to make inanimate objects move. Like I said earlier in this post, it takes a long time.

The pictures I added are images of the first scene in the video. I really like this set because it’s so magical! What’s great about stop motion is that I didn’t need to take those extra pictures – I just stole them from my stop motion so far.

That’s all from me! Bye! <3