The Mysteries…

I wrote this in 4th grade but I never published it. I thought it would be fun to publish it now!

Hi everyone! I love riddles and mysteries, and I can always solve them! Find me and give me a hard one. Now onto the point. I’m going to give you some! Choose one and answer it in the comments. Rule: You can’t re-read the riddle. Let’s begin:

  1. There are three doors in a house that you’re trapped in (oh no!). The first one has no floor, so you’ll fall forever. The second one has a hungry lion that hasn’t eaten anything in one month. The last one has VERY hot fire. Which do you choose?
  2. How far can you run into the woods?
  3. A train crashed on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do you burry the survivors?
  4. A train crashed (again) and no one died, but many suffered major and/or minor injuries. Although, two were found dead on the police list! How is this possible, and who/what died?
  5. A man live son the 11th floor of an apartment. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and every evening he takes the elevator up to the 5th floor and walks the rest of the flights of stairs. Why?

2 Replies to “The Mysteries…”

  1. My guesses are:
    1) the room with the lion. It wouldn’t be alive if it hasn’t eaten in a month.
    2) far.
    3) in the cemetary
    4) I don’t know! How?
    5) because the elevator is broken.

    This is really good, especially for something you wrote in fourth grade!

    1. Thank you! You got number 1 right, but the answers are:
      2. Halfway cuz the other half would be running out

      3. You don’t burry survivors!

      4. They’re names are Mr. and Ms. Dead (lol)

      5. He’s too short to press the 11th floor button

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